Kebaikan dan Keburukan Dalam Membiayai Semula Rumah Anda

Anda masih ragu-ragu untuk membiayai semula atau refinance rumah anda? Sebelum membuat keputusan sama ada untuk teruskan atau tidak, jom bandingkan kelebihan dan kekurangan membiayai semula rumah di dalam artikel ini.

Jika sebelum membuat pinjaman perumahan dahulu, anda perlu membuat kajian serta mendapatkan ilmu tentang pinjaman perumahan mana yang terbaik untuk anda, sebelum meneruskan pembelian, sama seperti membiayai semula atau refinance rumah, anda tetap perlu membuat perbandingan dan kajian sebelum membuat keputusan yang terbaik. Jika sebelum ini kami telah kongsikan tentang perkara yang anda perlu tahu tentang refinance rumah serta mengapa orang memilih untuk refinance rumah, kali ini pula kami kupaskan dengan lebih mendalam tentang kebaikan dan keburukan refinance rumah ini. Jadi, jom kita bermula!
Maksud refinance rumah ( membiayai semula pinjaman)
Sebelum kita pergi lebih lanjut, kita kongsikan secara ringkas apa yang dimaksudkan dengan membiayai semula pinjaman. Secara mudahnya, membiayai semula pinjaman bermaksud membuat pinjaman atau pembiayaan semula terhadap rumah yang masih mempunyai hutang dengan pihak bank. Pinjaman baru akan dibuat bagi membayar hutang pinjaman lama berdasarkan dengan harga nilaian semasa rumah. Oleh itu, pemilik rumah hanya perlu membayar ansuran bulanan bagi pinjaman baru yang dilakukan.
Kebaikan refinance rumah
Sebenarnya, refinance rumah atau membiayai semula pinjaman ini mempunyai beberapa kebaikan yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh pemilik rumah dalam beberapa situasi kewangan. Berikut kami kongsikan beberapa kebaikan refinance rumah kepada pemilik rumah:
1. Kurangkan bayaran komitmen bulanan dengan memanjangkan tempoh pinjaman atau pembiayaan

Apabila anda membuat pinjaman baru, anda akan diberi tempoh masa yang baru untuk menyelesaikan hutang. Bagi sesetengah keadaan, tempoh pinjaman yang lebih lama dan kadar faedah yang lebih rendah akan mengurangkan bayaran ansuran bulanan kepada pihak bank.

Salah satu kebaikan refinance rumah yang pernah dikongsikan di dalam artikel kami sebelum ini ialah anda akan mendapat cashback daripada kenaikan nilai hartanah. Jika anda bijak menggunakan cashback ini, ia boleh digunakan untuk menyelesaikan hutang lain dan seterusnya mengurangkan bayaran komitmen bulanan.

Sebagai contoh, anda mempunyai hutang lain seperti pinjaman peribadi, kereta dan motor. Dengan mendapatkan cashback daripada refinance rumah ini, anda boleh melangsaikan hutang lain dan mengurangkann komitmen bulanan. Apabila komitmen bulanan semakin berkurangan, anda akan mempunyai lebihan tunai setiap bulan yang boleh digunakan sebagai simpanan.

Kami kongsikan suatu situasi dan pengiraan mudah:

Ali mempunyai hutang rumah, kereta dan juga pinjaman peribadi. Berikut merupakan pengiraan komitmen bulanan beliau:

Ansuran bulanan rumah semasa: RM 1 100

Ansuran bulanan pinjaman peribadi: RM 300

Ansuran bulanan kereta: RM500

Jumlah komitmen bulanan: RM 1 900

Sewaktu beliau membuat pinjaman rumah 5 tahun yang lalu, harga rumah tersebut ialah RM 238 000, Ali mengambil keputusan untuk refinance rumahnya setelah harga rumah itu naik kepada RM 400 000.

Dengan membuat pinjaman baru katakan dengan kadar faedah 3.1% dengan margin pinjaman perumahan sebanyak 90% selama 35 tahun. Setelah menyelesaikan semua hutangnya, Ali hanya perlu membayar pinjaman perumahan yang baru ini dengan ansuran bulanan sebanyak RM 1,700. Beliau telah mengurangkan komitmen ansuran bulanan beliau sebanyak rm 200 setiap bulan! Teknik ini juga dinamakan debt consolidation atau penyatuan hutang.

Penafian: Pengiraan yang ditunjukkan bukan nilai yang tepat. Jumlah yang dinyatakan hanya sebagai anggaran bagi memudahkan pemahaman. Sila rujuk kadar berdasarkan tawaran yang disediakan bagi setiap bank.

2. Dapat rebat atau diskaun penyelesaian awal pinjaman

Jika anda bijak memanfaatkan peluang yang ada, ada sesetengah bank akan memberi rebat dan diskaun sekiranya anda menyelesaikan hutang pinjaman perumahan lebih awal. Ini akan lebih menjimatkan wang anda!

Namun begitu, bukan semua pinjaman perumahan yang menawarkan diskaun pinjaman perumahan ya! Anda perlu berhati-hati kerana terdapat pinjaman perumahan yang mempunyai lock in period.

Lock in period ini secara mudahnya membawa maksud anda akan dikenakan penalti kerana menyelesaikan pinjaman perumahan lebih awal daripada tempoh masa yang ditetapkan. Ya, menyelesaikan hutang lebih awal jika tidak kena dengan caranya, menambah hutang anda pula! Jadi, pastikan anda tahu dan faham tentang jenis pinjaman perumahan yang diambil.

3. Boleh menukar pinjaman kepada bank yang berbeza
Katakanlah, anda kurang bersetuju dengan polisi pihak bank A, dengan cara refinance rumah, anda juga boleh menukar kepada pihak bank yang berbeza. Bukan itu sahaja, tahukah anda, bagi penjawat awam, mereka juga boleh menggunakan teknik refinance rumah ini daripada pinjaman LPPSA ke pinjaman bank? Malah, dalam beberapa situasi, keadaan ini akan lebih menguntungkan pihak peminjam.
4. Boleh menukar jenis pinjaman konvensional ke islamik

Bagi mereka yang beragama islam, mendapatkan jenis pinjaman islamik pastinya merupakan pilihan utama. Jika sebelum ini, pinjaman lama anda berunsurkan pinjaman konvensional, salah satu cara untuk menukar jenis pinjaman perumahan ini juga boleh dilakukan dengan teknik refinance rumah.

Berikut merupakan beberapa kelebihan pinjaman islamik berbanding pinjaman konvensional:

  • Kadar keuntungan siling merupakan keuntungan maksimum yang boleh dikenakan di bawah pembiayaan berasaskan jualan. Keuntungan pinjaman adalah berdasarkan kadar BFR Islamik dan boleh diubah berdasarkan keadaan pasaran ia tidak boleh melebihi kadar keuntungan siling.
  • Keuntungan akan dicaj berdasarkan prinsipal yang belum dijelaskan tanpa melibatkan unsur kompaun.Dengan tiadanya unsur kompaun, jumlah keuntungan yang mesti dibayar untuk pembiayaan adalah jauh lebih rendah berbanding pinjaman konvensional yang menjadikan caj pembayaran lewat juga lebih rendah.
5. Mengeluarkan nama daripada pinjaman perumahan bersama

Salah satu kelebihan pinjaman rumah bersama ialah anda boleh menggunakan nama bersama pasangan untuk mengukuhkan lagi pinjaman dengan menggabungkan sumber pendapatan daripada dua pihak.

Sekiranya, anda dan pasangan sudah stabil dan mungkin berniat membuat pinjaman perumahan baru untuk menambah rumah dan ini rumah yang ketiga, kebiasaannya, margin pinjaman perumahan yang akan diberikan kepada anda dan pasangan ialah 70 % sahaja.

Oleh itu, anda boleh memanfaatkan teknik refinance rumah ini dengan menukar pinjaman perumahan bersama in, tukar pinjaman di atas nama satu individu , suami sahaja (sebagai contoh) dan isteri akan mempunyai suatu lagi kuota margin perumahan sebanyak 90%!

Bukan sahaja sah di sisi undang-undang, anda juga akan menjimatkan lebih banyak wang bagi proses pembelian rumah ini.

Keburukan Refinance Rumah
Dalam setiap perkara, pastinya tidak ada semua yang sempurna. Setiap[ pilihan yang dibuat pastinya akan mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya yang tersendiri. Berikut merupakan beberapa keburukan membiayai semula rumah anda.
1. Yuran terlibat bagi proses refinancing

Bagi mendapatkan pembiayaan semula ini, anda akan mengalami proses yang sama semula seperti membeli rumah termasuklah yuran penilaian hartanah atau property valuation.

Berikut merupakan beberapa kos lain yang mungkin terpaksa ditanggung oleh anda sebelum mendapatkan cash out atau cash back daripada rumah yang telah dibiayai semula iaitu:

  • yuran pemprosesan bank
  • bayaran guaman
  • duti setem
  • yuran perjanjian jual beli (SPA)
  • MRTA

Jika kos yuran yang perlu dibayar ini melebihi daripada apa yang anda dapat daripada cashback, mungkin anda patut fikirkan semula keputusan untuk meneruskan pembiayaan semula rumah ini.

2. Bayaran ansuran bulanan makin bertambah sekiranya memendekkan tempoh pinjaman

Sebenarnya, tempoh pinjaman yang lebih pendek boleh menjadi salah satu kebaikan refinance rumah. Namun begitu, sekiranya anda tidak mampu atau tidak mempunyai pendapatan yang stabil untuk membayar ansuran bulanan yang lebih mahal ini, ia mungkin seolah-olah jerat yang dipasang terkena diri sendiri.

Oleh itu, sebelum membuat keputusan terburu-buru untuk terus membiayai semula pinjaman perumahan hanya kerana ingin memendekkan tempoh pinjaman hanya kerana anda mempunyai pendapatan sekarang, nilai semula risiko ini dalam masa jangka masa panjang kelak.

3. Jumlah pinjaman makin bertambah mengikut harga rumah semasa

Apabila anda membiayai semula pinjaman perumahan  atau refinance rumah, ia akan mengambil kira nilaian harga pasaran semasa. Ya, mungkin anda seronok mendapat lebihan wang tunai, tetapi jumlah pinjaman anda juga pastinya bertambah mengikut harga semasa rumah tersebut.

4. Refinance mungkin mengambil tempoh masa yang panjang

Jika anda ingin menggunakan lebihan duit daripada refinance rumah ini pada saat yang terdesak dan segera, mungkin ia bukan pilihan yang sesuai. Memandangkan proses membiayai semula  pinjaman perumahan ini perlu melalui proses yang sama seperti membeli rumah semula, ia pastinya mengambil masa.

Secara anggarannya, tempoh masa yang diperlukan bagi semua proses ini mengambil masa 3 hingga 5 bulan jika tiada sebarang masalah. Sekiranya terdapat masalah lain, ia mungkin akan memakan masa yang lebih lama.

5. Risiko dikenakan penalti jika pinjaman ada lock in period

Seperti yang diterangkan sebelum ini, anda mungkin akan dikenakan penalti sekiranya pinjaman tersebut mempunyai lock in period. Jadi, pastikan anda berhati-hati sebelum meneruskan secara terburu-buru untuk terus pembiayaan semula pinjaman perumahan.

Sebenarnya, adakah refinance rumah atau membiayai semula rumah ini mendatangkan lebih banyak kebaikan atau keburukan? Tiada jawapan yang pasti sebenarnya bagi soalan itu. Semuanya bergantung kepada keadaan kewangan anda sendiri, untuk membuat keputusan yang terbaik. Bak kata pepatah, tepuk dada, tanya selera. Kali ini, tepuk dada, tanya situasi kewangan sendiri. Apapun pilihan anda, semoga ia yang terbaik!

Ushering In 2022 With Revived Hope

Lunar New Year is just around the corner and as we enter the Year of the Tiger, here’s what to expect. Known as the king of beast in China, Tiger symbolises strength, exorcising evils, and braveness. People born in the year of Tiger are extremely competitive and are often recognised for their courage and ambition. They are extremely generous with a drive to help others. Tigers want to win; however, they are also always seeking justice.

These values translate into making big changes in the Year of the Tiger. As we march into the new year with the pandemic still strapped to our back, the Yang energy associated with the Tiger will renew everyone’s spirit and everyone will be fired up once again. Generosity is at an all-time high and it will be a year of risk-taking and adventure. LBS is cautiously optimistic that this will set new benchmarks and we will offer an even wider range of products and services to the market, as according to Tan Sri Lim Hock San, the Executive Chairman of LBS.

2022 will be the year where LBS adapts digitalisation in our operation, while continuing our aim to provide affordable homes for all Malaysians. This cannot possibly be done without the joint effort of everyone from all departments, and for that, we are eternally grateful and humbled by everyone’s continuous support. This year, we hope to emulate the strength and ferocity of the Tiger, living life well and to the fullest while we continue fighting against COVID-19.

Despite the challenges we faced, we have managed to weather through 2021 with resilience and perseverance as a unit. We projected RM1.2 billion sales target but achieved miles ahead instead, at an astonishing amount of RM1.58 billion. Be rest assured that we are not resting on our achievements as there will be 14 new launches planned for 2022 across Klang Valley, Johor, Pahang, and Perak.

As a way to show our appreciation to our home-buyers, LBS has launched a Chinese New Year campaign called “Bring Happiness Home” where we will be offering Ang-Pows for our home-buyers. This is the ideal moment to secure your forever home and make this new year an auspicious one with LBS; the campaign will last till the end of February 2022.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year. As we prepare to celebrate the Chinese New Year festivities, remember to remain vigilant and practice COVID-19 SOPs to safeguard our family and loved ones. May this new year bring us good health and good fortune. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, may it be a year that outshines the rest! Stay safe and may we all be in high gear in the year of the Tiger!

10 Qualities of a Good Neighbourhood

Anyone who has ever bought a house knows that this can be scary. Sometimes you find out that the house is nothing like you wanted it to be, only to find out too late. That’s why it’s important to know which neighbourhood is the best fit for you.

The perfect house is not necessarily the one with the most bedrooms or bathrooms, not even the one with the biggest kitchen. It’s the one that makes you and your family happy, and a happy house means a happy neighbourhood. Neighbours are part of our daily lives. They are part of the process of socialisation. Socialisation is the process in which we interact with other people.
How is a good neighbourhood made

A truly great neighbourhood feels like it has been created with you in mind. It is well kept, quiet and there is a high level of pride shared by all the residents. Good neighbours enrich a neighbourhood. They check on each other during a crisis, organize charity events and cleaning days, and share tips for good deals. By the same token, bad neighbours can make life miserable. Through loud music or constant traffic, they can disturb the peace of a whole community.

Ask yourself if your new neighbourhood is suited to you. Neighbours represent an opportunity. Maybe you need what they have. Who knows, they may need what you could bring to them? Know that you are not alone in your neighbourhood; find out what the responsibilities of good neighbours are.

They say that the kind of company you keep can have a big impact on the way you live. The same goes for the kind of neighbours you have. A happy neighbour equals happy life. To have good neighbours, you must first become a good neighbour yourself.

What are the qualities of a good neighbourhood

We are always trying to look for a good area to live in, a nice house, and most importantly, good neighbours. This will influence the decision to either move to the area or start looking for another area. To help you decide what your needs and wants are, we have compiled a list of 10 essential qualities that make a neighbourhood feel like home.

1. Safe environment

A good neighbourhood is a safe, friendly place where most people know one another. A strong sense of community and a commitment to family values help keep a good neighbourhood safe for children and women. This will take the worries off your mind if you are a single woman who is living alone or busy parents who are struggling to ensure their children are free from harm.

2. Convenient neighbourhood
There is a reason why a convenient neighbourhood is high in demand. Find everything you need to live a happier, healthier, better life. Convenient and easy-to-use neighbourhood amenities create a sense of community. A convenient neighbourhood park, schoolyards within walking distance, grocery stores, and other businesses are all examples of elements that enhance the neighbourhood feel.
3. Pedestrian-friendly

The ability to freely explore the area on foot and easy access to public transit. Having both of these qualities makes for seamless travel. It’s safe and easy to get around on foot or by bicycle; you can enjoy great places to shop, as well as diverse entertainment and cultural experiences.

4. Green landscapes
What is good for the environment is good for everyone. A lot of property developers have started focusing on building eco-friendly residences. In Malaysia, green buildings are the next big thing and there are at least 17 certified green buildings in this country. Green landscapes with trees and small parks can often add a lot of value and character to a neighbourhood. A new approach to living that is healthier for us, healthier for our children’s children, and healthier for our world. Also, with parks just around the corner, you can wind down after a tiring day at work and you can even spend the weekend doing fun activities at the park with your family.
5. Accessible
A well-designed community enables easy access to all types of amenities and facilities, which a good neighbourhood provides. These include supermarkets, healthcare centres, schools, higher institutions, services and public transportation systems.
  • Nearby healthcare centres
The quality of healthcare is very important. Medical staff that can respond to emergencies quickly and accurately will drastically improve your well-being. Proximity to hospitals and medical facilities also helps prevent falls and accidents in homes, providing families with more safety and security.
  • Nearby public services such as police and fire station
Locating your home near the police station and fire station is one of the most important steps to take for achieving this peace of mind. This is to ensure help can be reached on time when unexpected incidence happen. Not just that, being close to public services like parks, banks, and government offices make like more convenient as you do not have to travel far to get assistance.
  • Nearby schools and higher learning institutions
A neighbourhood that is within a hop, skip and jump from schools and universities has always been a winner. There is always a demand for properties located near these amenities. For example, an area that is popular with international schools will be swarmed by the expatriate communities, whereas an area that is a short distance away from higher learning institutions is preferred by local and international students. The demand for properties in an all-rounded neighbourhood will never stop as people are always looking to settle down in this area.
  • Nearby public transportation hub
The best way to get around the city is via an LRT or MRT. If you live near one of the main train lines, you are never far away from your next destination. Other than easier commute, it promises a far bigger surge in property value as it is for both buyers and renters. Even though you might pay a more premium price for living close to the main rail lines, you will get to enjoy seamless accessibility. If you’re looking to buy a property in the Klang Valley, there are at least nine townships in the Klang Valley with the easiest access to LRT and MRT lines. In Cheras alone, there are more than 11 properties near MRT stations while in Subang Jaya there are more than 10 properties near LRT stations. Not just that, Shah Alam also has become a favourite for people who want to live in greener, quieter surroundings and yet still have easy access to amenities. Six of LRT 3 stations will be passing through Shah Alam when it starts operation in 2024.
6. Variety of housing types
A good neighbourhood should have a mix of housing options, including low-rise apartments to single-family homes, for people who want different lifestyles. On top of that, it also should be able to offer properties from different price spectrums so people have more options according to their budget. Different types of properties and houses in Malaysia also come with different titles. Thus, homebuyers should be aware of the titles as they will affect property ownership and the transfer of ownership.
7. Interesting architecture and design, comfortable and appealing
Thoughtfully planned and architecturally distinctive, with a comfortable and appealing climate every day of the year. A neighbourhood with a mix of architectural styles, comfortable and appealing public places and good bones for future development is the kind of place you would love to live in.
8. Active community to solve issues in the neighbourhood
A neighbourhood where neighbours take care of one another, connect with their community and gather together to solve problems.
9. Friendly and welcoming neighbours
You can live more comfortably when you are familiar with the people on your street. That is why the best neighbourhoods are ones where you recognize everyone on your block. Get to know your neighbours, and they will be there for you when you need help.
10. Low crime rates
We all want to live in a neighbourhood where we feel safe. A low crime rate can help you create a safe neighbourhood and take the worries off your shoulder. Do background research of your preferred neighbourhood before you decided to move there. You can talk to people who live within the area to get a glimpse of the neighbourhood.
How would you describe a good neighbour

Good neighbours are some of the best people in your life. If you ever help someone carry in their groceries or lend a hand when they are in need, you are being an exemplary neighbour. Although some people think that neighbours are just random people who live on either side of your home, there are some traits that all good neighbours have. These six rules will help you become a better neighbour today.

  • Take the time to create good conditions and build relationships with all neighbours.
  • Every time a neighbour does something nice, he or she passes it on to at least two other neighbours.
  • Good neighbours can be friends, but they do not have to be best friends.
  • A good neighbour knows how to bring people together, forcing this neighbourly communication could end up hurting more than helping.
  • Neighbours that know how to respect people. Good neighbours teach their children what boundaries mean, literally and figuratively, by explaining where their property ends and their neighbours begin, and what rules are involved.
  • Good neighbours will be helpful during difficult times. Offer to help your neighbours with chores, even if it’s just carrying in the groceries.
What are the responsibilities of a good neighbour

Being a good neighbour is as easy as being a good soul. If you wish to have a peaceful and safe neighbourhood, then be an ideal neighbour. This will not only teach you to live peacefully but also be responsible for your actions. The tips below are surely going to help you be a good neighbour.

  • Good neighbours keep the whole neighbourhood looking beautiful. By keeping up with basic yard work, making sure that the lawn is mowed, hedges are trimmed, and weeds are kept at bay.
  • Bring a level of security to a neighbourhood. When a neighbourhood has good neighbours, there tends to be less crime and everyone feels safer.
  • Continue seasonal maintenance. Neighbours who beautify their outdoor space with flowers and other greenery set an example for the rest of the street.
  • Actively participate in community changes and decisions. Caring neighbours stay informed about community issues and go to the polls.
  • Do not fight for the right to celebrate. The politest neighbours inform others of the gatherings and ask that they let them know if it gets too loud.
  • Be conscientious about outdoor decorations. Decorating for the holidays is a great way to spruce up your outdoor space, but make it a house rule to take down your haunted houses and fairy lights within a few weeks of the holidays.

Good Bye, 2021

Believe it or not, another year of living with COVID-19 is coming to an end in just a couple of days. Before diving into this article, pat yourself on the back for surviving yet another year of embracing the new normal. It has not been an easy journey, as a matter of fact, it has been really tough for the past couple of years, but we are all still standing here, and for that, we deserve to be proud of ourselves. 

Letting go of the previous couple of years with a renewed resolution to be human, to survive together, to learn together and persevere in the many beginnings that we have yet to witness, will mark the birth of an all-powerful conscious era for us all. These two years will never be forgotten. Not only will it stay etched in the memories of the ones who lost and lived through it, but for all future generations as the years that reminded humanity to never take things for granted.

COVID-19 spared no one, regardless of their age, status, or designation. It impacted children as much as it did elders, countries worldwide struggled to fight, endure, and overcome. While some of us may have managed to stay healthy throughout the ordeal, some unfortunately did not. With the number of daily cases being still relatively high, coupled with multiple virus mutations throughout the year, this is a great reminder that we are still living in a world with COVID-19 so whether we like it or not, we have to still adhere to the SOPs at any given time, even when having a mask on for the entire day gets really suffocating after a while.

Even though events happening in 2021 are not as shocking as the ones in 2020, the constant roller-coaster ride with the mutations did leave many feelings jaded. The world’s reaction has been an unpleasant mixture of dread, fatigue, and déjà vu. Almost two years into a pandemic that has claimed more than five million lives and affected billions more, people everywhere are finding it hard to summon the energy for another chapter in the story. 

At one point, it felt like there was no end to this mess and we will be stuck in this cycle of life forever. We were told the only way for us to be able to end this pandemic is by forming herd immunity, so nations joined together to fight this global public health crisis. Vaccinations were developed and administered and just when we thought we were going back to the old normal, new variations pop in and it’s back to lockdown.

Given the trend, health officials started to sound the alarm about another public health crisis: mental health. The U.S. Surgeon General said the pandemic’s high number of deaths, forced social distancing, and lockdowns of the economies have created new pressure, especially on young people.

He wrote, “It would be a tragedy if we beat back one public health crisis only to allow another to grow in its place.

Being forced to live in a pandemic era arm-twisted many to become conscious of their inner strengths in the toughest times. It marks the beginning of an era of psychological and spiritual awareness and growth. It is not that we didn’t know earlier, but COVID-19 pushed us in the direction of awareness, acceptance, digging deep to find the power in our resolve, adjust and adapt to survive. Pain, loss and endings have a way of leaving us to process and think, both being strengths of the human race.

2021 has been a year of both triumphs and failures. On top of the emergence of the Omicron variant that has a much higher infection rate, Malaysia was recently hit by one of the worst floods in decades, resulting in rising death tolls and tens of thousands of people displaced from their homes. Despite the challenges, Malaysians have been stepping up to lend a helping hand to those who have been hit the hardest. This strength among Malaysians is what gives us hope, we have to remain optimistic that the future is brighter. We have yet to win but we are getting there, as long as we continue to stay focused, Kita Pasti Menang!

Travelling Amidst The Pandemic Equals Travelling Amidst Uncertainties?

Borders are opening, travelling plans are back on track. But are we really ready to start travelling again? Just very recently Malaysian health experts warn that we may be expecting a 4th COVID-19 wave. Should you cancel your holiday plans? As much as we hate to say this, COVID-19 is here to stay. While lockdowns, restriction orders, and vaccination has proven to be effective, it can only bring us this far. Our take on this is that travelling amidst the pandemic need not be equated to travelling amidst uncertainties.

As much as it appears to be non-essential, the travelling industry which accounts for 10% of the world’s GDP, is an undeniably crucial industry. Not merely as a contributor of the world’s economy, but also a contributor to the wellbeing of those that has been confined at home for months. Yet, reopening travel presents its own challenges.

Disclaimer here though, we are no health experts but we believe that letting one’s guard down is one of the contributing factors to the rising cases. While we get our booster shots to ramp up on our immunity, to us, getting our basics right is more crucial than ever, mask up at all times, thoroughly wash your hands, sanitize your hands once you’ve pressed the lift switches, public door handles, etc. At this point all of this should be second nature to us.

Also, make full use of your COVID-19 tracing app, check-in and out timely, because if there’s any false positive (status turning red, even when you’re COVID free) there goes your holiday plan. A fairly new norm in pandemic times is taking self-tests be it rapid antigen test kit or saliva test. Doing a test every time before meeting up can sure feel troublesome and heavy on the wallet, but it’s the responsible thing to do as there are no telltale signs that someone is COVID positive or not. Trust us on this one, once you’ve known that the people that you’re travelling with have done self-test, you will be more at ease and relaxed.

Now that you’ve done your part, the next thing to do is to make sure that the destination spots, eateries, hoteliers, and transportations that you’re opting for are on the same page as you, adhere strictly to SOPs and the latest protocols. Preferably, go contactless for all your transactions. See someone walking around a hotel with no mask on and the staff doesn’t bat an eye even after being notified about it? It’s a red flag to us as it’s a reflection of how the SOPs are being implemented across the said business. Skim through reviews before putting down the booking, reach out to the staff to ask about their SOPs, and again, make good use of the tracing app by checking the number of positive cases around the destination for the past week.

Ultimately, one should not feel guilty for wanting to travel, it is the poor practices of SOPs and negligence that should be penalized. Always remember that booster shots do not make us invincible from the virus, and don’t choose its prey. Go ahead, with your plans, make beautiful memories and in the meantime, let’s be safe.


Common Rituals And Taboos Moving Into New House

Feng shui is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonise individuals with their surrounding environment. The term ‘feng shui’ literally translates as “wind-water” in English, and is considered as one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The feng shui practice discusses architecture in terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi.

In today’s age, the new generations hardly believe in this practice anymore. In Malaysia, the practice of feng shui transcends through races. Each race has their own set of beliefs and whether you personally believe in it or not, today we are going to talk about the feng shui beliefs among Malaysia’s three main races.

The Malays, the Chinese, and the Indians, all have their own moving rituals that they practice before moving in into a new, empty house. Of course, these days, practicing these rituals is more of a pleasing act for the parents, although the belief is starting to regain popularity among youngsters who are interested in having “good energy” flow through their house.

For Malays, their moving ‘feng shui’ is based on their religion – Islam. As Muslims, they’d recite surahs from the Quran and perform azan and prayers when they first move in into an empty house. Muslims believe in the existence of other entities / spirits, and these entities are believed to often reside in empty, “abandoned” houses and by doing these moving-in “rituals”, it’ll alert the entities of new residents coming in and that they should leave the house. Muslims also believe this practice will help guard the house from any visit of these entities for as long as they reside there.

The Malays also often organise a housewarming event whenever they move in into their new house. Traditionally, the event begins with prayers recital known as ‘doa selamat’. Usually but not necessarily, a Tok Imam (religion leader) would lead this recital as to bless the home and the family living in it. Alternatively, this recital can also be led by an elderly male of the family. The event is then followed by a feast session that is meant to form bond between the family and their new community. It is also often used as a chance for them to introduce their family members and friends to their new neighbours and vice versa. This practice often initiates trustworthy relationships between the parties involved.

The Chinese community is also rich with traditions and feng shui beliefs when they want to move in into a new house. Traditionally they would leave the lights on starting three days before moving-in day as to fill the house with ‘yang’ (positive) energy and to rid of any ‘yin’ (negative) energy. Moving in into a new house filled with yang energy indicates a new positive beginning for the family that will hopefully lead to many fruitful opportunities and abundance of prosperity.

Another common Chinese tradition is to open all doors and windows when first moving in. Generally, this allows fresh air and sunlight to travel in and out of the house, creating a fresh atmosphere and making the new home feels vibrant. However, this ritual is also embedded in the yin & yang belief. By leaving the doors and windows open, it is believed that it will attract more positive and prosperous energy to flow into the home, increasing the family’s luck.

As for the Indians, their moving-in beliefs are just as interesting as the other two races. A huge majority of the Malaysian-Indians are Hindus, and when they first move in into a new home, they would invite a priest over to lead the moving-in prayer. This includes setting up a prayer room and displaying a photo of one of their Gods and setting up an oil lamp. Post-prayer, the family will then boil milk in a brand-new pot until it overflows and spills over. This milk is now considered as holy water, and it will be offered to the family’s patron God and the remaining will be served to the guests. A portion of it will be sprinkled around the house to ward off evil spirits and negative energies.

Another traditional feng shui ritual for the Indians is to break a coconut – a fruit that is considered as sacred and pure according to Hindu values. Families are encouraged to break a coconut by throwing it onto the ground when they are moving in into a new home as an act to receive blessings from God. This ritual is also a common practice during other various occasions such as weddings and festivals.

These are among the common feng shui practiced by the three main races in Malaysia. Being a melting pot of races and culture, there are plenty more races with plenty more beliefs that are practiced in Malaysia, and whether you believe in them or not, it sure is interesting to learn about them and to cherish the diversity among us Malaysians.

Don’t Delay, Keep Breast Cancer At Bay

Editor’s note: This article was written in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We know that we’re towards the end of the month but we also believe that this piece will be a timeless advice. We hope you enjoy the read and do share them with your loved ones! 

What if the most impactful method of curing breast cancer was out of the hospital? We are not doctors but what we know for sure is that the ultimate solution to breast cancer starts not from the hospital but from our society. Try this, initiate a conversation with a colleague and have an open discussion on breast cancer. The initial reaction is more often than not anything between the lines of awkward or shyness, yes? Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world and also in Malaysia, but why is it not widely discussed and what can we do about it?

To start things off on a positive note, despite it being the most common cancer, breast cancer is highly treatable and survivable in the early stages (Stage 0 and 1). Of course, that has to be accompanied by early detection measures namely, mammography and clinical breast examination. With the prevalence of the coronavirus, many people would have been financially impacted or concerned about heading to the hospital for check-ups. Thus, while we still very much recommend seeking professional assistance, self-examination is most definitely a viable option on its own. Upon detection, it will ensure the most ideal opportunity for an effective treatment.

However, what is most concerning is that breast cancer is usually asymptomatic at the beginning, where it starts off being a small and painless lump, which may then lead to delayed diagnosis. On following stages, evident symptoms may begin to appear, such as change in the shape and/or size of the breast, a lump in the breast or underarm area, pain and swollen in the breast area, and more severe symptoms would be discharge from the nipple (could be blood), which does not include breast milk. While most breast lumps are not cancerous, it is advised for women to visit a doctor for an examination should they notice a lump on the breast.

Many women also shy away from thinking about breast cancer as the thought of it alone is enough to frighten them. There is also the prevalence of taboo which discourages public discussion on the said topic. To add on, there are even misconceptions that there is currently no effective treatment for breast cancer. All of these are bad practices that will cause one to miss out and delay the best timing for treatment. Overthinking without making any form of resounding action, is in this case a very costly decision. We may lack the knowledge in this aspect but we must never for a moment lack the courage. At this very moment, there is nothing better that one can do than to steel oneself and reach out to someone you can trust and/or experience and seek immediate medical advice.

Equal attention needs to be given to post-breast cancer patients too. This is because, for those who have recovered, more than two-thirds of respondents felt a drop in the confidence of their bodies after a breast cancer diagnosis as well as treatment. Many felt that it had decreased their self-esteem where they experienced a loss of identity as compared to before breast cancer. We must acknowledge the impact that breast cancer diagnosis can bring upon one’s psychological well-being. From not being able to accept the post-cancer version of themselves or the inability to break the news to their partner or children, all of these can ultimately lead to depression and anxiety, which can, in turn, decrease the survival rate of a patient or even lead to recurrence of the cancer. Therefore, psychological treatment is just as crucial when it comes to the effective treatment of breast cancer.

As much as we are house builders, we also believe that a house can only be a home when we have our loved ones with us. To readers battling with breast cancer, like all other forms of cancer, breast cancer is a serious health diagnosis and is deeply personal. While some can be open and expressive about their condition, the rest may choose to keep it a hush-hush, and that’s okay so long that he/she has reached out for help! For readers with loved ones battling cancer, it is not easy on your end too and your unconditional support means the world to them and a strong support system is the foundation for a successful road to recovery. Whichever the approach may be, one must embrace the change in reality but know for a fact that they still have the ability to transform their cancer journey. Breast cancer should be a topic that is widely discussed, be it in October or all year round. Most importantly, don’t delay and keep breast cancer at bay!


Savvy With Property Abbreviations

Planning to buy your first house? There’s really no better time to do so! Especially with the HOC extended till the end of 2021, as well as BNM maintaining its OPR at an all-time low of 1.75%. You also happen to have a healthy DSR? Great! Hold up, you look confused, did all these abbreviations confuse you? Believe it or not, we were once in that spot.

The process of buying your first home can be overwhelming because it is not merely a cash and carry process. Besides having an in-depth knowledge of the potential property, being well-versed with banking and property abbreviations is equally as important.

In this article, we won’t be going too in-depth on every abbreviation so that you can take your time to digest all this info. Here is our pick of property abbreviations that you need to know to help ease your way on your journey to securing your first home:

1. HOC

Introduced back in 2019, HOC is the abbreviation for Home Ownership Campaign, a government initiative intended to aid homebuyers in search to purchase their dream property and simultaneously catalyze sales of unsold properties in the housing market of Malaysia. The HOC comprises significant stamp duty exemptions on Instrument of Transfer, Instrument on Loan Agreement, and much more. Be quick though because this campaign is only here to stay till the end of 2021.

2. MPC, BNM, and OPR

Hear us out on why we place them together. The Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) is an overnight interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Malaysia’s central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) intended for monetary policy direction. Remember how we mentioned that at the time of speaking the OPR is at its all-time low and that’s a good thing? The lower the OPR is set, the cheaper it is to take a loan and thus, better capabilities of accessing capital, be it for personal or commercial reasons, and vice versa.

3. DSR

A Debt Service Ratio (DSR) is a method used by banks to gauge your ability to afford the loan that you just applied for. When purchasing a house, DSR is crucial as banks use this formula to determine the amount that you can afford to pay for your monthly property loan instalments. A healthy DSR is in the 30-40% range. In short, the lower your DSR, the merrier but should your DSR be on the high side, don’t give up just yet. You can always seek advice from your bank on the highest DSR that they accept because every bank’s DSR limits may differ.


Credit Tip-Off Services or better known as CTOS in short is a report that is issued by CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd, which is one of our country’s leading private Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) which archives an individual or organization’s complete credit record. Contrary to a Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) report which only tracks credit history for the past one year, CTOS reports are stored indefinitely. A good CTOS score will boost your credit application approval and ultimately, bring you one step closer to your dream home!

5. DOA

No no, it’s not prayer in Malay, but instead stands for Deed of Assignment. DOA is a legal document that is used to transfer the ownership of a property/a debt from one party to another. It confirms the transfer of ownership from the ‘Assignor’ (the individual who currently owns the property) to the ‘Assignee’ (the individual who is acquiring the property).

6. MOT

The Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) is a legal document that follows the SPA and confirms the actual transfer of the ownership of the property. It confirms the actual transfer of ownership of a property. Wait, MOT sounds very similar to DOA, yes? Signing the MOT signing signifies that the Land Title will be transferred from the developer to you. For high-rise units, once it is divided, the MOT needs to be filed at the Land Office to transfer the ownership of the unit from the developer to the buyer. The signing of the MOT is the legal confirmation of transfer of ownership and generally forms the final step of the transfer process.

7. SPA

The Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is an extremely important document that defines the terms of a house sale. A legally binding contract between buyer and seller that confirms mutually agreed conditions such as the method of payment, defect liability period, conditions of the property, fixtures, and fittings, and other relevant clauses.

8. DLP

Do you know how our new phones and electronics come with warranty? Defect Liability Period or DLP in short is sort of the same thing but for properties instead. It is a specific period where your developer is responsible to fix any defects identified in your new home. Spotted misaligned or hollow tiles, uneven paint, or crack ceilings? It’s part of the SOP for developers to thoroughly inspect the property before vacant possession (VP), while you get all excited for your new house, knock and skim through every corner of the house! Under the Housing Development Act in Malaysia, the DLP period is 24 months for individual titles and 36 months for strata titles, beginning from the day you take the keys for your new house, so start checking away!

9. CCC

CCC stands for the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) which is also by far one of the most important documents in the journey of securing your dream home. This black and white is issued when your newly built house is signed off as completed and safe for habitation, as evaluated and submitted by an appointed architect known as Principal Submitting Person (PSP).

10. BLR

To make it easy to digest, Base Lending Rates (short for BLR) is the base interest rate that banks internally turn to prior to finalizing the rate to charge for your home loan. To describe more precisely, BLR is the rate determined by each bank according to the cost needed to borrow the money to be lent to borrowers, which is determined by the aforementioned OPR.

Well done! You’ve made it till the very end. Of course, there’s so much more to learn in the world of property and every abbreviation actually deserves its very own article. But no worries, we are confident that you are now much savvier than when you started. Did you like what you read? Let us know in the comments down below how we can help you be better equipped in buying your new house!


Mental Stress: The Cure Starts With You

“Nobody said it was easy, It’s such a shame for us to part.

 Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard.”


Is the rhythm of the song titled “The Scientist” by Coldplay in your mind now? Or perhaps you might be singing along with this song.

As mentioned in the lyrics “Nobody Said It Was Easy”, we face challenges, and stress is unavoidable but a normal part of life. While everyone experiences stress, what stresses someone out varies from person to person, might be because of work, studies, family and relationship matters.

Yes, challenges to some extent might break down our barriers, push our limits. When you’re facing your limits and you feel that resistance, it can seem hard to overcome. But just by pushing yourself a little harder, you can really accomplish some great things.

Anyway, stress is inevitable, life goes on, and we need to face the reality of life. Here are some tips to help manage and reduce stress:


1. Eat healthily

The proverbial saying ‘You are what you eat’ is the notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food.


2. Exercise

Almost any form of exercise can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include jogging, dancing, cycling, Yoga, Tai Chi and Zumba.


3. Take time out

You may have experienced frustration on some matters, try to stop thinking about it, listen to music, gardening, play some games, chat with family or BFF, temporarily escape from stress.


4. Green Environments

Exposure to green spaces help to relieve stress, and generally enhances psychological recovery. Exposure to urban green spaces can generate cognitive, affective, and psychophysiological benefits that reduce stress.


5. Snack / Cheat time

Have a break and have a KitKat. Oh! This is not an advertisement session! In fact, you can have any snack, preferably a healthier snack, for example, low carb snack, almonds that contain several beneficial nutrients, pistachios that are high in fibre. Of course, some snacks are acceptable but do limit your snack intake, as it might increase calorie, weight gain.


6. Get Some Restful Sleep

Stressful times can cause insomnia. You can take nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews which are often considered to be good food for sleep.

Have a warm bath, listen to calm and relaxing music, do some gentle yoga and meditation to relax your mind and body. Exercising regularly, cutting down on caffeine does help beat insomnia.

Write away your worries. If you tend to lie in bed thinking about everything you must do tomorrow, set a to-do list before bedtime, it helps for a night of quality sleep.

If you cannot sleep, do not lie there worrying about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again, then go back to bed.

Do consider consulting a doctor if lack of sleep is persistent and it’s affecting your daily life.


7. Seek Help

It’s OK to not be OK, we’re human, in life we go through a lot of ups and downs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, go for counselling sessions and consult a psychologist. Remember, You Are Not Alone. Take care.

When Is The Right Time?

The past decade has witnessed an upward trend in property prices. However, the past two years have taken a halt in the trend due to oversupply and added pressure to keep the prices down caused by the pandemic. Owning a property involves a long time commitment which will affect one financial situation. Much thought is put into it before an individual decides to purchase their first home or even their next one. With the declining market price, multiple campaigns and incentives, is it the right time to purchase? Even if it is for investment purposes, with the uncertainties due to the pandemic, what is the right choice?

The Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) was reintroduced in 2020 by the Government as an initiative of stimulating the property market and providing financial relief to homeowners. The joint effort between the Housing and Local Government Ministry (KPKT) and Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (REHDA) Malaysia aims to help first-time homeowners. Even so, the campaign is open to all Malaysians with no limit on the number of purchases.

There are pros and cons to this campaign. Other than the stamp duty exemption and 10% discount on the price, the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) is also at its lowest. Do keep in mind, these benefits are only applicable towards newly launched projects and not applicable towards commercial units. Competitive pricing, location, accessibility and safety are among the factors that will influence buyers in making a purchase.

With the implementation of the multiple Movement Control Orders (MCO) in the past years during the pandemic, data have shown that Malaysians are more interested in spacious properties outside of the dense city areas. Landed units with competitive prices have shown higher demands compared to high-rise buildings.

LBS Bina offers you affordable options to choose from. Terraced houses, townhouses and even serviced apartments. With prices as low as RM250,000 for a unit at KITA Ria serviced apartments, the property offers you a cosy apartment for a close-knit community. This guarded apartment is located in the KITA @ Cybersouth township located within the developing Southern Klang Valley.

Easily accessible via major highways including the Putrajaya-Cyberjaya Expressway through Elite Highway, Maju Expressway (MEX), South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE), North-South Expressway (NSE), Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP), and Jalan Dengkil-Banting. Strategically located between Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, KITA @ Cybersouth is close to various key public amenities, such as commercial hubs, financial institutions, governmental administration centre, international airport, healthcare providers, and many others.

With all the enticing offers in the market, isn’t it the right time for you to make your purchase?