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Human Rights Policy

1. Introduction

LBS Bina Group Berhad and its subsidiaries (“LBGB or Company”) endeavours to provide a conducive working environment that is characterized by mutual respect. The Company is committed in respecting and abiding internationally recognized human rights standards and fair labour practices according to local statutory laws within the company operations (“Human Rights Laws”).

We recognize the importance of fair labour practices and a good relationship of mutual respect between employer and employee as we believe this will lead to fostering high employee morale and improve employee engagement within the Company. Accordingly, we will not condone any practices, events, and activities that are in violation of the above-mentioned Human Rights Laws.

2. Objective

The objectives of this Human Rights Policy are to amongst others; 

a) To ensure all employment in the Company are in accordance with relevant employment laws including but not limited to the Employment Act 1955. 

b) To identify any risks relating to current labour practices in the Company and to determine an effectively method to prevent and eliminate these risks. 

c) To provide a fair, respectable and safe workplace for all employees in the Company. 

d) To foster a pleasant, cordial, and harmonious relationship between employer and employees for smooth operations, and to promote stability as well as prosperity.

3. Scope

This Policy applies to all employees (including employees on contract terms, temporary or short-term employees and employees on secondment) or third parties who have become aware of or are genuinely suspected on a reasonable belief to be an employee of the Company that has engaged, is engaged, is preparing to engage or is encouraging others to engage in any conduct as stated below.

4. Commitment

a) Non-discrimination
We have a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination in any form and our employees are provided with equal and merit-based career opportunities regardless of race, religion, and/or gender.

b) Fair Employment Conditions
We operate in full compliance to applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws. We provide recognition based on performance and contribution of the employee towards the Company’s success.

c) Health and Safety
We provide a safe and healthy workplace environment for employees. We comply with applicable health and safety laws, regulations and requirements. We are dedicated in maintaining a productive workplace and strive to take every measure to prevent job-related injuries and illnesses.

d) Workplace Security
We strive to provide a safe and mutually respectful workplace environment that is free from violence, harassment, humiliation and intimidation of any nature.

e) Child Labour
The Company does not recruit child labour and is committed in strict compliance with applicable child labour laws as legislated in the Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966, if it ever decides to employ a child. The Company condemns all forms of child exploitation and slavery.

f) Forced Labour
The Company recognizes that forced labour, modern slavery, debt bondage, and human trafficking may stem from coercive tactics and undue influence from people in position of higher authority towards people in lower positions of authority which may include violence or threats of violence, or more subtle means such as accumulated debt, retention of identity papers or threats of denunciation to authorities. The Company supports the elimination of forced labour, modern slavery, debt bondage and human trafficking. The Company takes the stand that all mentioned in the foregoing constitutes a severe violation of human rights and restriction of human freedom.

g) Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
The Company respects freedom of association as part of our commitment to support fair and equitable treatment of our employees regardless of gender, race, caste, nationality, religion, age, physical condition, marital status, union membership/affiliation/activity, employment status or political affiliation. Any form of discrimination based on factors aforementioned is prohibited, and any union membership/activity will not lead to disciplinary measures or punitive actions.  

h) Equal Opportunities
The Company is committed to inculcating diversity and equal opportunity in our workplace which allows us to gain a competitive edge through embracing workforce diversity as well as providing fair treatment to all our employees to promote improved morale and loyalty towards the Company. The Company shall ensure that all employees receive equal and fair treatment based solely on merits and competency regardless of any form, whether based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, disability and social status throughout the organization.

i) Excessive Working Hours
The Company’s working hours are regulated under the employment contract with the employee, Malaysia Employment Act 1955 and/or the Employment (Limitation of Overtime Work) Regulations 1980. The Company is committed that all employees are ensured proper rest days to recuperate for the operational efficiency of the Company’s operations.

j) Minimum Living Wage
The Company recognizes that a minimum wage has been set by the Malaysian authorities with the aim of protecting employees against unduly low pay. The Company is committed to comply with the local statutory laws on minimum wages and ensures that all wages are paid in a timely manner.

5. Reporting of Violations of the Policy

Any employee who knows of, or reasonably suspects, of a violation of this Policy, is encouraged to whistle blow or report such concerns through the Whistle Blowing Policy of LBGB. For further details, the Whistle Blowing Policy of the Group is available on the Company’s corporate website,

6. Review of Policy 

The policy shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors and updated whenever necessary in order to ensure its effective implementation. Any subsequent amendments to this Policy shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
