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Every Thought Counts

The LBS media team has been truly blessed to get support from our media associates throughout the journey. As a small token of appreciation, in this holy month of Ramadan, the Media team was assigned to distribute Ramadan gifts to all of LBS Bina’s media associates. To us, they are one of the special groups of people who we would call as the “Key Person” because the media truly are just that powerful. We also wholeheartedly agree that self-delivery adds that extra sincerity and human touch as compared to using courier services.

Upon completion of the delivery, we have to say, this task is much more than meets the eye. Knowing that many Malaysians are still recovering financially from the endemic, the team decided to show support to SMEs for all of our products and services. The Ramadan gift for this year comprises a bottle of homemade dried sambal, a packet of dates, and LBS Raya packets, all neatly packed into a paper gift bag. (No amount is too small, and all amounts are welcome!)

Prior to the distribution of the gifts, the team reached out to all respective media associates to pre-empt them regarding the upcoming delivery. Next, comes planning the routes of the delivery according to the location and availability of the media person. This allows us to efficiently drop off the media gifts and head on to our next checkpoint. Meeting up with fellow media associates face-to-face is an opportunity that is still hard to come by with the then-pandemic. While the internet has made us more connected than ever, there is no replacement for meeting up in person as it adds in the human touch. Thus, we took the opportunity given to build rapport with them, exchanging contacts and sharing the company’s outlook for the year, and exploring possible collaborations together.

Keeping the rest of the team posted on our progress is equally crucial. Hence, periodical updates to the team are essential so that everyone is in the loop. The pandemic has also taught us that remote working is possible and can be just as efficient, so long that we have our laptops and internet connection with us. Between every stop we took the available time to work on any pending or ad-hoc tasks, minimizing any forms of hiccups.

As Public Relations Executives with less than three years of experience, this opportunity has given us the prospect to greatly expand our connections, ability to coordinate and plan events, as well as to work in a team. We believe that public relations are about sharing the right information with the right places and people. Thus, it is very important that we must have well-targeted media lists, newsworthy media news, and content in plan together with measurable goals.

Prepared by:

Rayeon Lee & Nur Alia Nadhira

Media Team
