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Being Grateful Amid COVID-19

This month has been a challenging month for us Malaysians what with the recent new strain virus outbreak known as COVID-19. To date, there has been more than 1,500 positive cases in Malaysia. Good news is, so far 139 patients have recovered and been discharged.

Now that Malaysia is under Restricted Movement Order (RMO), we at LBS hope everyone is quarantining themselves at home to help flatten the curve. Go out only when it is absolutely necessary and practice social distancing at all times. It is up to each one of us to help stop the spread of the virus. Only with our collective effort, we will be able to end this and stop the nightmare.

During this RMO period, let’s take the time to really dig deep and reflect on every little aspect of our lives, do a little soul searching. Look at the things we have been taking for granted for years, and how important it is for us to start being grateful for every blessing that comes our way, be it big or small. You don’t have to be picky, there is nothing too small for you to be thankful for. It can be as simple as appreciating the clear weather or how quickly your online shopping parcel arrived despite the current restriction.

Find gratitude in your challenges. Sometimes, thinking about negative or difficult situations can help to really nail down what you have to be thankful for. Dig a little deeper into some of your own past experiences and try to figure out how they have helped shape you into the person you are today. How those experiences have matured you and strengthen you, and how they’ve prepared you for future obstacles.

Take this time to cultivate better health habits. Eat more nutritious food to help boost your immunity, do some home exercise to keep fit, and avoid risky behaviours such as going out unnecessarily. Our health is one of the things we tend to subconsciously take for granted, and this will stop us from having optimistic and healing attitudes. When we take better care of our physical health, our mental state will be better too.

We know by now a lot of people are starting to get restless. A sudden halt from the hustle and bustle of life, and we understand completely. In times like these, you must learn how to slow down and take things one day at a time. Don’t think about two weeks, but rather focus on today. Do some breathing exercises. Count your blessings. Say it out loud if you have to! Make small goals for the day that you would like to achieve. This is a reset, and a chance for you to look at life from a different perspective.

Until then, stay safe, follow the orders, and wash your hands frequently!
