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20201020 LBS Town Hall Meeting 2020

For Immediate Release

LBS Town Hall Meeting 2020

Bi Annual Meeting To Share Company Direction and Target for The Year

Petaling Jaya, 20 January 2020 – LBS Bina Group Berhad (LBS) held their bi annually town hall meeting at its Head Office to share the company objectives and direction for the year 2020. Aside from sharing the company direction and target of the year, the event cultivated strong bond among the employees

‘‘Thank you for your effort and support in 2019. Let’s work together to achieve 2020 sales target and provide our best effort to serve our homeowners. We foresee the market will continue to be challenging this year but I believe our effort to provide and improve our services will be the game changer, ’’ said Tan Sri Lim Hock San, Group Managing Director of LBS.

LBS has presented the performance review for 2019 and shared the company initiatives on improving its services and offerings such as Digital Transformation Roadmap on increasing the process efficiency. In addition, LBS announced their all year campaign, LBS Fabulous 2020, that offers prizes up to RM1million including a Proton X70 to their purchaser.

The town hall meeting has become the company communication platform for the management and employees to share on the company updates and happenings. More than 300 employees from LBS Bina Group Berhad including employees from its public listed subsidiary, MGB Berhad, and Zhuhai International Circuit Limited (ZIC) attended the town hall meeting.

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20200120 林木生集团员工沟通大会 分享2020年新目标方向




(八打灵20日讯) – 林木生集团(LBS) 近期在总部举行每年两度的员工沟通大会 (Town Hall Meeting),分享公司2020年的目标与方向,并巩固公司与员工之间的密切关系。


员工沟通大会也分享该集团2019年的绩效评估,以及改善服务与房产的举措,例如提升流程效率的‘数码转型策略’等。此外,该集团也欣然公布展开市场全年的营销活动 – ‘LBS Fabulous 2020’,让购屋者有机会赢取Proton X70轿车等总值高达100万令吉的奖品。

员工沟通大会已成为该集团管理层和员工共享公司资讯和活动的交流平台。该集团逾300名员工,包括来自上市子公司创建集团 (MGB)和中国珠海国际赛车场 (ZIC) 的多名员工济济一堂,参与其盛。
